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- CTE table tent PDF
- Center Pocket Music: angled face and stepping the cueball
- right-handers danger zone
- Finding the quarter
- CTE: dissecting the pivot
- CTE and FEEL
- CTE PRO ONE blind pockets
- Safe shot with jump cue
- Playing off-handed
- CTE PRO ONE: Footwork
- CTE PRO ONE: Center Cue Ball
- CTE PRO ONE Sweeps
- CTE: Perception is Everything
- CTE PRO ONE: The Nuts and Bolts
- 8-Ball: Side Pocket Balls
- The truth about aiming systems
- Aiming Fundamentals
- 8-ball: cluster break with strong safety
- 8 ball: play smart to win
- 8 ball tip: insurance balls
- Controlling whitey: hit it low!
- Eye Dominance
- Avoiding the scratch
- Offset and Pivot Aiming Systems
- Straight pool is the game’s best teacher
- Shooting over a ball
- Getting Power into the Break Shot
- Position Play Drill
- CTE: Is the pocket necessary?
- The Five Points of Pool
- Finding the Bank Angle
- CTE: The Pivots
- CTE: The banks are money
- The mental game: pre-shot routine
- CTE 49 Ball Run
- CTE Pivot Aiming – A Review
- Pre-shot routine – walking around the table
- Practice Worksheet for CTE Pro/One
- Back-Hand-English with CTE
- Estimating the shot angle
- Tips on Pro/One CTE
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- Spot Kicking System – Two-Rail Kicks
- Spot Kicking System – One-Rail Kicks
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Author Archives: mohrt
CTE table tent PDF
You can download this table tent for the 45SP and 60SP for CTE here. Be sure you print at 100% scale. You can check with a ruler that the 45SP is exactly 1/2 inch from CBE side. Enjoy!
Posted in CTE
Center Pocket Music: angled face and stepping the cueball
I’d like to bring a discussion to the nuts and bolts. Stan finally unraveled the description that brings everything together. The system steps are now 100% clear and concise. I’d like to highlight the two main pieces that are new … Continue reading
Posted in CTE, Instruction
right-handers danger zone
This is a post I made at azb, I’ll link it here. https://forums.azbilliards.com/showthread.php?p=4191899
Posted in Instruction
Finding the quarter
Many pool playing systems, namely aiming systems, use different segments of a ball for alignments such as edges, centers and quarters. The edges are pretty easy to obtain, as is the center. The quarters however, are not quite as obvious. … Continue reading
Posted in CTE, Instruction
1 Comment
CTE: dissecting the pivot
It has been a while since I made a post. Two young kids, busy work, life happens. I’ll try to do better Meanwhile, Stan Shuffett continues to refine and discover new things about CTE, and I’m pretty excited to … Continue reading
Posted in CTE, Instruction
A common question that comes up regarding CTE aiming: is feel (conscious adjustment) involved? This can be problematic, as there are multiple contexts to this question. So first lets back up and talk about aiming in general.
Posted in CTE
CTE PRO ONE blind pockets
Here is a short video of me shooting (manual) CTE PRO ONE with blind pockets. By far the biggest trouble I had was determining the aim lines and pivot to use. This got easier pretty quickly. The execution itself is … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Safe shot with jump cue
When shooting a very short safety shot, it can be helpful to use your jump cue for the shot.
Posted in CTE, Instruction
Playing off-handed
Shooting with your opposite hand may feel extremely clumsy, and you might think it would take too much effort to become proficient with it. Actually, our brain is pretty capable of switching things over. All your opposite hand needs is … Continue reading
Posted in Tips and Tricks
CTE PRO ONE: Footwork
Stan recently posted a video regarding sweep support. One part of the video covers footwork for CTE PRO ONE, and I think this is hugely beneficial information. Here is what I learned from it.
Posted in Uncategorized